Arkiv för kategorin ‘Allmän pedagogik’
tisdag, januari 24th, 2012
Thoughtful discussion in school is encouraged by methods like the Socratic seminar, philosophy for/with children, and deliberative dialogues. The paper explores how didactics (as the art and science of teaching) can be analyzed from considering how the teacher plans the product and/or process of teaching. The switching between the different didactic positions will teach students habits of mind to promote a lifelong learning process. To motivate the students to learn, the sequence in which the different didactic positions are addressed is important. The paper endeavors to explain what function the methods for thoughtful discussion have in the school curricula when integrated with other instructional methods. Thoughtful discussion might serve as a start of the learning process but might also help to challenge and integrate along the way. However, whether or not thoughtful discussion is seen as a meaningful way of teaching is dependent on the inner pedagogical theory of the teacher.
Read the paper: Thoughtful dialogue in relation to other instructional methods
tisdag, januari 24th, 2012
Bildspel, se hela: Tematiskt arbete
lördag, november 27th, 2010
Se hela: Fritidshemmets utveckling
lördag, november 27th, 2010
Se hela: Fritidshemmets didaktik
måndag, november 15th, 2010
Ann S Pihlgren
In this paper a model of what is intended in Socratic seminars is presented. It is based on a literature summary of analogous traditions in Sweden, USA and Germany. The Socratic seminar is a group activity intended to increase critical thinking, self responsibility and self-reliance- all seen as necessary qualities in a democracy. A fairly simple methodology is utilized to improve the complex interplay of dialogical and intellectual skills.
Se hela: The Features of Socratic Seminars, paper ICOT 2007
måndag, november 15th, 2010
A short introduction and handout to the workshop: Socratic Seminar in the Tradition of Early Swedish Popular Education, Folkbildning
Ann S Pihlgren
This paper is a short introduction, a handout at my workshop where we will carry out a Socratic seminar in the tradition of early Swedish Popular Education, Folkbildning. In this tradition, the “best of mankind” are to be our teachers of the essentials of life. The tradition introduces a group activity intended to increase critical thinking, self responsibility and self-reliance- all seen as necessary qualities in a democracy. A fairly simple methodology is utilized to improve the complex interplay of dialogical and intellectual skills.
Se hela: Socratic Seminar in the Tradition of Early Swedish Popular Education
måndag, november 15th, 2010
Ann S Pihlgren
When I, in the year 2000, began my position as principal at Freinetskolan Mimer, a private school in Norrtälje, I did a review of the work methods, routines and quality of instruction at the school. My impression as a new leader for the school was that the methods and instruction were of very high quality. In certain areas the work methods could be strengthened and improved. Such a development project concerned the children’s possibility to develop their thinking regarding value questions and ethical dilemmas through Socratic seminars as a work method1, with the methods used for example at the Paideia schools in the USA as a starting point. As a result of this work I will follow the project in my position of doctoral student at the Stockholm Institute of Education as a part of my dissertation.
Se hela: A Modern Reading of Dewey Together with Freinet and Adler