Thinking Together

- Comparing the dialogue in Socratic seminars and in progressive community meetings

Ann S Pihlgren, Stockholm University

The teacher‟s voice still dominates the classroom: a teacher talks 70-75 % of the time, even in discussions (Dysthe, 1996, Hillocks, 1989, Liljestrand, 2002, Nystrand, 1997). Where individual work or work in small groups is practiced, this pattern changes: half to two thirds of the talk becomes “desk-talk”, i.e. students talking to each other during teacher conducted discussions (Lindström, Arnegård & Ulriksson, 2003, Lindblad & Sahlström, 1998, Tholander, 2002). The conversational pattern of the classroom often is restricted to the teacher asking questions with given answers (Goodlad, 1983, Liljestrand, 2002). The lessons follow certain “rules” for interaction, during which the teacher dominates and the students try to discern the required solution (Edwards & Mercer, 1987, Lemke, 1990). Talk moves regarding knowledge or reasoning are relatively prevalent, but talk moves linking participants‟ ideas are not (Wolf; Crosson & Resnick, 2006).

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Se hela: Thinking together vänartikel till prof Lars Lindström


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